Friday, February 11, 2011

Elvis Silhouette Extravaganza

Three years ago, I posted an article called ?Another Chance to Vote on Elvis Images.?  It offered two contrasting pictures for a dozen different Elvis categories, such as Jumpsuits, Lip Curl, etc.  Readers could decide which option they preferred.

The first thing they got to pick was the better Elvis Silhouette, and the choices were a young 50s Elvis and a 70s Elvis in a jumpsuit.

Since then, I have been impressed with the number of people who search for Elvis silhouettes on Google.  ElvisBlog gets links from that nearly every day, in spite of being down low on the third page of the Google results.  I can imagine all the hits those sites at the top of Google list get.  Well, ElvisBlog is about to move up there with them.  Here is a collection of Elvis silhouettes that have taken about four years to accumulate.

50s Elvis:


These are my only two 50s Elvis silhouettes that do not have a microphone or guitar or both.  The one on the left looks like it was derived from a photo of Elvis?s second appearance on the Milton Berle Show.  The other one may have come from a Jailhouse Rock dance sequence image.



Here are two with microphones.   The one the left is an image on a globe light.  The other is taken from a small image on some other Elvis product.  It got a little fuzzy when blown up to a larger size.



I?m surprised how many Elvis silhouettes include microphone stands.  Sorry the one on the left got fuzzy when I blew it up from a thumbnail image.  The one on the right is similar to the first picture of this article, except it is in gold, has a mic stand and has been flipped from side to side.



Here are two more Elvis silhouettes with mic stands.  Can you imagine what percentage of the world?s population could look at these pictures and easily identify them as Elvis?




These last three are my favorites ? Elvis with guitar and mic stand.  The one directly above is a variation of the 50s Elvis silhouette used in the earlier blog article.  I flipped it from a white image on black background to a black image on a white background.  It has also been flipped from side to side.  Playing around with Microsoft Paint is fun.


70s Jumpsuit Elvis:



There?s not as many 70s Elvis silhouettes out there, but here are four I found.  I think the first one would be the most easily recognizable as Elvis.


Well, there it is ? fifteen Elvis silhouettes -- many that you may not have seen before.  From now on, people searching for Elvis silhouettes on Google will have a website showcasing what they want.  Hopefully, ElvisBlog will move up in the results, so they won't have to scroll through three pages to find it.


 2011    Philip R Arnold, Original Elvis Blogmeister    All Rights Reserved


Elvis, Elvis Presley, and Graceland are registered trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.



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